Antient Writings

News & Notices

Latest News

10th July 2019: New Chairman Appointed It is with thanks we say goodbye to our Chairman and announce the appointment of W. Bro Tony Shields. You can read more about it here: Atholl Association: New Chairman Appointed

25th Anniversary of the Association of Atholl Lodges Brethren, this year the Association of Atholl Lodges is celebrating its 25th year; and the United Lodge of Prudent Brethren No. 145, who were closely involved with our founding, have kindly agreed to use part of their regular March meeting to celebrate that anniversary. This meeting will be at Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 4AZ on Tuesday 24th March 2015, commencing at 5pm. It will be honoured by the presence of several distinguished Brethren, including the Association's Grand Patron R.W. Bro. David Williamson PAGM. For more information please download the full document here

New Website Address As you may have discovered, the old website address ( is no longer available to us due to the sudden closure of Lycos Europe. Our webmaster, Neil, is in the process of re-aquiring the address, but in the meantime we have decided to move the site lock, stock and barrel to our new address which is Please alter your address books and links accordingly, and do please let your brethren know of the change.

Regional Hubs It is with great pride that we have created dedicated pages for each of the Atholl regions. As these groups expand their activities and connections the web pages will grow and our aim is for the regional committees to use the hub pages as a way to connect not just within their own groups, but to the wider Atholl world.

All New History! Atholl is all about history, and with thanks to our resident historian Ray Sheppard, the new website is able to present much more of the fascinating background to the Antients. We will be continuing to add to these resources, so do keep coming back. And if you have anything to add for the benefit of your fellow Brethren, do please get in touch. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL

Antient Writings As ever, the latest, and past, issues of our newsletter Antient Writings is available online. Do please feel free to download and share the newsletter with any Brethren you feel may find it of interest. We would also encourage all Atholl Lodge Secretaries to make coppies to share with their Brethren. If YOU have something you would like to share with the rest of the membership, do please get in touch. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL

Looking To The Future As 2010 begins, there is much for us at Atholl to get our teeth into. With future visits planned in the UK and to some of our international colleagues, we are also continuing to develop the Regional Hubs, the online resources and continuing to build the membership. We would like to thank you all for your continuing support for the Association of Atholl Lodges.


Past Notices

The following are Notices from the past five (5) years that still hold interest or are still relevant to members.

July 2005 The Association's historian in residence, RAY SHEPPARD, is willing to undertake research for member Lodges - especially 'family trees'. For help please contact the Historian on 01926 777367 who will pass on enquiries.


Appeal - death of a Lodge - is fading into oblivion the natural course of Lodges? What is the answer to the questions "How do we preserve olde Lodges" and "How do we regenerate them?" The premise is that many Lodges are facing falling numbers, costs are increasing, the few members left are getting fewer as death in inevitable. London and the Home Counties are suffering more so than other regions in this respect. Can YOU give advice, ideas, solutions? What have YOU done to reverse this trend?

  • Is twinning the answer? Does it work and what are the problems caused?
  • Is merging the answer? How does the new Lodge deal with individuality and names & Lodge numbers?
  • How do you get new joiners and initiates?
  • Is undertaking work on behalf of other Lodges the answer and how can this be facilitated?
  • Is finance the only driver and if so, where are the cost savings?

If you have any thoughts or opinions on these important questions, do please contact the Liaison Officer (CLICK HERE TO EMAIL) who will be more than happy to talk to you about them.

Ph: 020 8658 9194

© 2009 Association of Atholl Lodges