Association of Atholl Lodges

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Musings on the Working Practices of Mid-18th Lodges

This new booklet explores how English Masonic lodges worked in the mid to late 18th century.
It examines the working practices of both Antients and Moderns lodges, and shows how those workings are still evident in lodges today.
The author has consulted many sources, and examined many of the old working practices still in use.

An informative and entertaining read, it is packed with information about every aspect of mid-18th century lodge workings.

An excellent starting point for anyone wishing to learn more about this important period in Masonic history.

(A5 Paperback, 48 pages including useful appendices. �5 per copy excluding P&P)

TO ORDER - You can order your Atholl products in two ways:

* CALL the Sales Officer (Mark Sharp) by email and place your order directly

Top Quality Atholl Lodges Merchandise

Don't hide your association with Atholl behind a bush, show the whole world you are proud to be Antient! We have some fantastic items for sale - so have a browse and then call in your order today.

TO ORDER - You can order your Atholl products in two ways:

* CALL the Sales Officer (Mark Sharp) by email and place your order directly

Atholl Lodges Pin

Looks great when attached to a lapel or tie.



Cost: £3.00 each (inc. UK P&P)

Atholl Lodges Neck-Tie

The ubiquitous Atholl Lodges neck-tie - perfectly designed to fit any size of neck!



Cost: £16.50 each (inc. UK P&P)

© 2010 Association of Atholl Lodges